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Extras, Goodies, Nibbles

The Landing Page Hot Tips extras:

  1. PDF
  2. Notion Book
  3. Audiobook
  4. Checklists
  5. Category Filter
  6. Component Filter
  7. Rate Ebook
  8. Referral Program


The Hot Tips are available in PDF (download) for you to read when offline. I'd highly recommend rather reading the digital book version online if you are connected to the Internet. Here are the benefits of the digital book over PDF:

  • Responsive design - that beautifully adapts to any screen
  • Visual animations - within tips (the PDF has static images)
  • Audio integration - within tips to relearn a lesson
  • Tip filters - sort by category or compontent eg. testimonials
  • Real-time updates - when I add new resources

If you are offline, no worries, there is still loads to learn from the 189-page PDF version. Right-click here (43mb zip file) and save target as to download.

Notion Book

Simply kick off this private Notion link and hit the duplicate link top-right to add the Notion Book to your existing account:

Notion Duplication Instructions

If you are not familiar with the platform, Notion is brilliant (and free) productivity software to help organize your work (and life). The Ebook integration turned out better than I expected and boasts real-time search, tip filters and checklists that store your progress.


All 100 Hot Tips are available in a tidy, zero-fluff 55 minute audiobook. Simply right click on the link to save it locally:

I'm so excited to share the Hot Tips are also available on all streaming platforms. This is a great way to shuffle the tip order or mix up the learning experience on the move.

Please note: The Audiobook isn't hidden on streaming platforms but I'm only linking to them from within this Digital Book. I've weighed up people sharing/discovering the streaming links vs the convenience of being able to listen (and shuffle order) on your favorite platform. It's what I'd want.

Launch Checklists

The interactive checklists are a great way to ensure you haven't missed anything before your Landing Page launch.

Please note: there are no accounts to save your checklist progress, but the lists are light and very easy to check from memory. Have fun!

Browse Tips by Category

Browse Tips by Component

See checklists related to these items here.

Rate the Ebook

If you enjoyed the book, I’d hugely appreciate a rating or review on any of these platforms:

Big love in advance, it really helps get more eyeballs on the book <3

Referral Program

And lastly, if would like to refer the book to your friends, family or community - there is a 50% referral fee! So that’s $24.50 per referral on the Ebook and $124 per referral if they select the Landing Page critique option.

Learn more about the referral program here or drop me an email if you would like to get involved.

[email protected]