Hot Tip #06 is to empathize with the visitor’s problem using your intro copy.
Then explain exactly what your product or service does in the subtext, removing all verbose words or phrases.
The world’s most innovative invoice tracking software
XYZ Invoicing uses the cutting edge InvoAlgo algorithm to programmatically track unpaid invoices to send clients reminders using conversion-optimized email templates tested on 1000s of happy customers.
Wasting time chasing late client payments?
XYZ Invoicing sends automated reminders to clients with outstanding invoices.
Remember, your Landing Page is there to impress with choice previews, highlights and testimonials.
So start by making the visitor feel your offering was destined for them, in the simplest way possible.
Title Advice – A fun Landing Page title breakdown by Annie Maguire from Marketing Examples.
Headlime – A headline generator to help brainstorm dozens of possibilities.