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Landing Page lessons related to the introduction headline copy.

Empathize with the visitor’s problem

Hot Tip #06 is to empathize with the visitor’s problem using your intro copy.

Then explain exactly what your product or service does in the subtext, removing all verbose words or phrases.


The world’s most innovative invoice tracking software

XYZ Invoicing uses the cutting edge InvoAlgo algorithm to programmatically track unpaid invoices to send clients reminders using conversion-optimized email templates tested on 1000s of happy customers.


Wasting time chasing late client payments?

XYZ Invoicing sends automated reminders to clients with outstanding invoices.

Remember, your Landing Page is there to impress with choice previews, highlights and testimonials.

So start by making the visitor feel your offering was destined for them, in the simplest way possible.

  • Title Advice – A fun Landing Page title breakdown by Annie Maguire from Marketing Examples.
  • Headlime – A headline generator to help brainstorm dozens of possibilities.

If you market to everyone, it resonates with no one

Hot Tip #17 is if you are marketing to everyone, your message is resonating with no one.

Identify your audience and research the subject matter to craft Landing Page copy your targeted community will appreciate.


🚫 Join the biggest Lord of the Rings fan club online

✅ An online community where second breakfast is a dietary staple and Old Toby’s smoke can be seen drifting from humble abodes.

CTA button:

🚫 Join Club for $9/month

✅ Enter Hobbiton for $9/month

Copywriting Demo

What copy will make your visitor think, These are my people?

Deconstruct your About paragraph

Hot Tip #33 is to deconstruct your About paragraph.

I’ve seen so many Landing Pages trying to sound fancy like this:

🚫 Citrus Studio creates multi-faceted online business software using modern, cutting-edge technologies to help businesses stay on track and achieve their dreams.

1. Start by removing all unnecessary words and paring it down to your core offering:

✅ Citrus Studio builds goal-tracking software.

2. Then add a single impactful adjective to spice it up:

✅ Citrus Studio builds effective goal-tracking software.

Your Landing Page visitor cannot be persuaded to take action if they don’t understand what your service does.

“Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Tighten your big type

Hot Tip #44 is to tighten your big typography.

Font Kerning and Tracking is a tricky subject as not all typefaces need it. That said, it’s a good idea to experiment with your bigger fonts.

Kerning is adjusting the space between 2 letters in a word. Tracking is adjusting the space between all the letters in the word.

Here is a Font Tracking example:

Tracking demo

Tracking demo

Reducing the spacing between characters in your big intro copy can really tighten your Landing Page design.

  • Leading vs Kerning vs Tracking – Decent article on Creative Market showcasing the differences between Leading, Kerning and Tracking.
  • 10 Kerning Tips – An older but solid piece by Rebecca Creger with 10 kerning tips for improving your typography.

The end.

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