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Marketing Hot Tips
Landing Page lessons related to marketing your product or service.

Use specific coupons

Hot Tip #15 is to track marketing efforts with platform-specific coupons that lead to your Landing Page.

It’s our tenth birthday! Use the following coupon on our website for 10% off:

🚫 Bday10

βœ… Twitter10
βœ… Insta10
βœ… InstaStory10
βœ… LinkedIn10
βœ… NYTimes10

Dedicated coupons will uncover which channels are more effective while feeling exclusive to your audience.

If you market to everyone, it resonates with no one

Hot Tip #17 is if you are marketing to everyone, your message is resonating with no one.

Identify your audience and research the subject matter to craft Landing Page copy your targeted community will appreciate.


🚫 Join the biggest Lord of the Rings fan club online

βœ… An online community where second breakfast is a dietary staple and Old Toby’s smoke can be seen drifting from humble abodes.

CTA button:

🚫 Join Club for $9/month

βœ… Enter Hobbiton for $9/month

Copywriting Demo

What copy will make your visitor think, These are my people?

Add Open Graph meta tags

Hot Tip #42 is to add Open Graph meta tags.

These tags add images β€” plus text alongside them β€” to Landing Page links shared on social media.

Simply put, meta tags with optimized links are clicked more than those without them. 15 minutes invested here is worth it.

This is what the Hot Tips Landing Page looks like when shared on Twitter. Note the additional ‘Subscribe Free’ I added to the description to answer the potential doubt:

Meta Tag Preview
  • – A great tool to generate them and to see how your Landing Pages look on all platforms.

Align your marketing

Hot Tip #55 is to align your marketing and Landing Page narratives.

A Google Ad for freelance time-tracking software that takes you to a page offering time-tracking for teams is confusing. Consider this advertisement:

Align your marketing

Which intro headline do you think resonated more with the visitor?

🚫 Voted the world’s most innovative time-tracking software for teams.

βœ… Optimize your freelance hours with automated time-tracking software.

It is vital we don’t lose our visitors upon arrival. Spend some time reviewing your marketing copy and where it takes their expectations.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.
