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Conversion Hot Tips
Landing Page lessons related to the strengthening the page for conversions. When you are further with your optimization, kick off the Landing Page Pre-Launch Checklist.

Highlight USP among feature list/grid

Hot Tip #13 is to highlight your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) among your features.

A grid/list of 12 features can be overwhelming for a visitor who is learning about your product/service for the first time.

Feature List Demo

Begin with your highlighted USPs:

Feature List Demo Highlighted Feature Demo

Emphasize the benefits of choosing you over the competition.

Offer more pricing tiers

Hot Tip #14 is to offer more pricing tiers.

Price Table reference Price Table reference

Aim to tier up with more features and benefits versus tiering down by stripping your core offering.

Price Table reference

“Give people who would be happy to pay you more money, the opportunity to pay you more money.” ~ Adam Wathan, Refactoring UI (source)

  • A persuasive higher tier – Harry from Marketing Examples brilliantly dissects the Refactoring UI higher price tier.
  • Pricing Table Inspiration – A collection of 150+ Landing Pages I’ve curated featuring a wide range of different pricing tables.
  • Pricing Table Examples – A more specific collection I’ve put together of well-designed or interesting Pricing Tables in Landing Pages.
  • Pricing Psychology – Help Scout breakdown 10 popular pricing strategies.

Embed your lead forms

Hot Tip #16 is to embed your forms to try capture leads immediately.

🚫 [Click here to Sign Up]

✅ (Enter your email) + [Sign Up]

Lead capture example Lead capture example Lead capture example

Remember, with every page load your conversion rate drops, so try capture leads as soon as possible.

Sit with someone and see what it takes to convert

There are two ways to experience horror.

The first is to rent a gory R-rated film.

The second is to watch someone interact with your Landing Page. Truly horrifying, but the learnings are worth the trauma.

Hot Tip #18 is to sit with someone from your target market and study what it takes for them to convert.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.
