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Conversion Hot Tips
Landing Page lessons related to the strengthening the page for conversions. When you are further with your optimization, kick off the Landing Page Pre-Launch Checklist.

Highlight a testimonial from an opinion leader

Hot Tip #20 is to highlight a testimonial from an opinion leader who is well known to your target audience.

Take a walk with me…

You are looking for an icon pack for your next project. You discover these great looking “ZenIcons” — but the abundance of icons out there casts doubt on the $49 price tag.

Scrolling past the first icon preview you arrive at this featured testimonial:

"With 9 different weights, Zen Icons are my go-to icons for all my side projects."Klaudia Schneider – Spotify Product Designer

Now you think to yourself: “No way! That’s Klaudia, the designer at Spotify I’m following on Twitter. She’s so talented and has great taste. These ZenIcons must be best-in-class for her to endorse them.”

This form of social proof is the game-changing Joker card in your Landing Page deck.

Create Haste

Hot Tip #24 is to create haste.

Consider offering a discount or a gift within a diminishing timeframe to encourage a quicker purchase. Call it FOMO if you will.

The Hot Tips Ebook pre-order went live with a $30 saving for 30hrs only – to create haste:

Countdown timer demo

⏳ Note how I positioned the 30hr countdown timer right under the CTA button, along with an additional 60% saving reminder.

Step into your visitor’s shoes

Hot Tip #27 is to step into your visitor’s shoes.

📱 Load your Landing Page on mobile
💬 Read the text aloud
👆 Use the navigation
💳 Checkout successfully

Doing the above will expose conversion friction points in your Landing Page.

Once confident, see Hot Tip #18.

Offer an annual discount

Hot Tip #32 is to offer an annual discount.

Offering a saving for a 12-month commitment can really help boost cash flow for your SaaS.

Note how Unbounce has a Monthly/Annual switcher with a crystal clear “Save 10%” badge on the annual tab:

Unbounce Tabs

Also, note how the tiered pricing changes as you switch:

Unbounce Pricing

Avoid doing anything too fancy with your pricing switcher. Rather aim for legibility and a stable experience that’s been tested on mobile thoroughly.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.
