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Design Hot Tips
Landing Page lessons related to the overall page design. When you are further with your design, kick off the Landing Page Design Checklist.

Highlight USP among feature list/grid

Hot Tip #13 is to highlight your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) among your features.

A grid/list of 12 features can be overwhelming for a visitor who is learning about your product/service for the first time.

Feature List Demo

Begin with your highlighted USPs:

Feature List Demo Highlighted Feature Demo

Emphasize the benefits of choosing you over the competition.

Set a max-width typography (CPL)

Hot Tip #19 is to set a max-width for your typography.

100% width paragraphs are very difficult to read on bigger resolutions.

Typography optimization can get very technical but try aim for 55–100 characters per line (CPL). The Landing Page Hot Tips email drip has ~60 CPL. Real easy to digest. This this Ebook is ~75.

  • Tuning CPL – Excellent article on fine-tuning typography based on characters per line.
  • GRT Calculator – The Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) calculator helps perfect typography for your Landing Page by entering your current font, font size, and content width.
  • Tool 1 & Tool 2 – These two online character counting tools are semi-decent (only a little spammy vs. the rest) and fast.

Consider a color scheme

Hot Tip #22 is to consider a color scheme.

A carefully crafted Landing Page color scheme stands out and takes effort. An effort your visitor will assume carries over to your event, product, or service.

Color Scheme reference Color Scheme reference Color Scheme reference Color Scheme reference

Space using ratios

Hot Tip #28 is to space using ratios.

For example, set a base size of 8px, then define your padding using multiples of 8:

Tiny gaps = 8px
Small gaps = 16px
Medium gaps = 32px
Big gaps = 64px

Ratio infographic

Using ratios aligns your content better and tightens up Landing Page design.

  • 8-Point Grid System – Very good visual breakdown by Elliot Dahl of the benefits an 8pt system give a design. Includes 8px ratio infographics.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.
