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Landing Page lessons related to the product or service features.

Highlight USP among feature list/grid

Hot Tip #13 is to highlight your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) among your features.

A grid/list of 12 features can be overwhelming for a visitor who is learning about your product/service for the first time.

Feature List Demo

Begin with your highlighted USPs:

Feature List Demo Highlighted Feature Demo

Emphasize the benefits of choosing you over the competition.

Replace GIFs with video

Hot Tip #31 is to replace those demo GIFs with video.

Video offers:

⚡️ Better performance
🎨 More colors
🍃 Less file size
👆 Ability to pause

The argument for using GIFs is that they are easier to produce and save. Neither are reasons to use them in your Landing Page.

  • ImageOptim – My go-to for GIF filesize optimization if GIF is your only option.
  • Screenflow – My favorite screen recording tool I probably use every day. Exports to GIF and lite-sized MP4 (used in this book) for Landing Pages.
  • HandBrake – Excellent free tool to reduce video file size while still maintaining good quality.

Don’t neglect Retina optimization

Hot Tip #45 is don’t neglect Retina optimization.

Simply put, Retina Displays have higher density pixels, needing a bigger version of the imagery to appear crisp.

Retina comparison Retina comparison

Clear infographics and crisp app screenshots leave a wonderful first impression, especially if your target market is designers.

  • A guide to <picture> and srcset – Developer Eric Portis details exactly how to deliver @2x images on Retina screens.
  • SVG Optimization Tool – SVG icons are a smart way to keep them crisp on all screens. ImageOptim has an excellent optimization function where you simply drag the SVG file in and it automatically cleans it up.
  • BGJar – Free online tool to create SVG backgrounds, keeping everything crisp on Retina screens.

Strategically position testimonials

Hot Tip #83 is to strategically position testimonials.

We’ve discussed curating testimonials to provide the most value to your Landing Page visitor. But where do we put them?

Start by positioning your best testimonial — preferably from an opinion leader in your industry — above the fold. This will strengthen your intro pitch and lower bounce rates. Now position other testimonials relevant to the Landing Page topic.

Example: If you are showcasing a specific product feature, try to position a testimonial mentioning that feature alongside it.

Note how the CleanShot X screen capture tool is talking about the ease of saving, copying, dragging, dropping, and then just below it a customer testimonial suggests the tool is like a Swiss Army knife:

Testimonial position reference

Finally, position a testimonial near checkout that mentions value for money or overall satisfaction.

The end.

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