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Landing Page lessons related to the product demos.

Offer a free teaser

Hot Tip #40 is to offer a free teaser.

⏳ 14 day free trial of your SaaS
📖 2 of the 14 eBook chapters
📦 80 icons from the full library
📱 1 of 10 mobile wallpapers

Teasers are great ways for visitors to experience more without having to pay upfront.

Remove the obstacles to demo

Hot Tip #46 is to remove obstacles in the way of demoing your product.

Carrd allows a full website build before asking for an email address.

You are confident your SaaS offering will satisfy your potential customer. Why not get visitors to experience it as soon as possible?

Lower the risk to commit

Hot Tip #47 is to lower the risk to commit.

✅ Free trial
✅ No credit card needed
✅ 2 years warranty
✅ 24/7 support
✅ 30-day money-back guarantee

Note how Squarespace includes two of the above right next to their CTA button:

Squarespace CTA button alongside copy

Your Landing Page visitor is more likely to commit knowing they will be taken care of post-purchase.

If you discovered your Landing Page for the first time today – would you feel confident signing up?

Offer a demo down-sell

Hot Tip #65 is to offer a demo down-sell.

Phone calls aren’t for everyone. If your Landing Page suggests hopping on a call to secure a high-end sale, offer an alternative info package download.

📦 “Don’t want to jump on a call? Download our buyer’s guide

Kevin Mead shared the above did wonder for additional revenue.

Offering a beautifully presented alternative, to digest in their own time, is a courteous play your high-end customer will appreciate.

The end.

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