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Decluttering Hot Tips
Landing Page lessons related to simplifying and the decluttering the page.

Deconstruct your About paragraph

Hot Tip #33 is to deconstruct your About paragraph.

I’ve seen so many Landing Pages trying to sound fancy like this:

🚫 Citrus Studio creates multi-faceted online business software using modern, cutting-edge technologies to help businesses stay on track and achieve their dreams.

1. Start by removing all unnecessary words and paring it down to your core offering:

✅ Citrus Studio builds goal-tracking software.

2. Then add a single impactful adjective to spice it up:

✅ Citrus Studio builds effective goal-tracking software.

Your Landing Page visitor cannot be persuaded to take action if they don’t understand what your service does.

“Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Code your own social share buttons

Hot Tip #41 is to code your own social share buttons.

Embedding a crowd of social share buttons adds unnecessary requests to your Landing Page load.

I’d vote for removing them completely. If you must have them, consider hard-coding the buttons with fun pre-composed text.

Mamma mia! This free set of restaurant icons by @iconfinder is deeelicious 🍕

  • Share Link Creator – My go-to-tool for populating social share links in my Landing Pages. I used this tool for the links below this. Kick off the Tweet link to see it in action.

Minimize the options

Hot Tip #58 is to minimize the options.

Do you really need:

📊 5 different pricing plans?
📝 7 required fields in your enquiry form?
🎨 16 different product color choices?

The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.” – Hicks Law

  • Hicks Law – Beautifully illustrated representation on Laws of UX

Delay the chatbot

Hot Tip #64 is to delay your chatbot.

If you feel your Landing Page benefits from one, only kick that bugger off once your visitor has scrolled to the pricing table, FAQs, or footer.

A corner chat notification on arrival wrecks concentration, and we can’t afford to distract visitors while they decipher what we do.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.
