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Pricing Tables
Landing Page lessons related to the pricing table or pricing options. When you are further with your optimization, kick off the Landing Page Pricing Checklist.

Offer more pricing tiers

Hot Tip #14 is to offer more pricing tiers.

Price Table reference Price Table reference

Aim to tier up with more features and benefits versus tiering down by stripping your core offering.

Price Table reference

“Give people who would be happy to pay you more money, the opportunity to pay you more money.” ~ Adam Wathan, Refactoring UI (source)

  • A persuasive higher tier – Harry from Marketing Examples brilliantly dissects the Refactoring UI higher price tier.
  • Pricing Table Inspiration – A collection of 150+ Landing Pages I’ve curated featuring a wide range of different pricing tables.
  • Pricing Table Examples – A more specific collection I’ve put together of well-designed or interesting Pricing Tables in Landing Pages.
  • Pricing Psychology – Help Scout breakdown 10 popular pricing strategies.

Offer an annual discount

Hot Tip #32 is to offer an annual discount.

Offering a saving for a 12-month commitment can really help boost cash flow for your SaaS.

Note how Unbounce has a Monthly/Annual switcher with a crystal clear “Save 10%” badge on the annual tab:

Unbounce Tabs

Also, note how the tiered pricing changes as you switch:

Unbounce Pricing

Avoid doing anything too fancy with your pricing switcher. Rather aim for legibility and a stable experience that’s been tested on mobile thoroughly.

Suggest a pricing option

Hot Tip #50 is to suggest a pricing option.

Sure, some Landing Page visitors are price-conscious, but a good portion of them don’t want to spend time investigating. They are convinced by your pitch and simply want to know the option suggested will offer the best value.

Lee Robinson says this hugely impacted his course sales. Note how he simply highlights a tier with green:

Price Table reference

Refactoring UI enlarges a tier:

Price Table reference

And how cute is this on-brand border by Google:

Price Table reference
  • Pricing Table Inspiration – A collection of 150+ Landing Pages I’ve curated featuring a wide range of different pricing tables.
  • Pricing Table Examples – A more specific collection I’ve put together of well-designed or interesting Pricing Tables in Landing Pages.
  • Pricing Psychology – Help Scout breakdown 10 popular pricing strategies.

Increase demand by limiting supply

Hot Tip #51 is to increase demand by limiting supply.

The Headlime site has a limited number of $129 lifetime pricing spots available. Once sold out the price goes up:

Limited Pricing Supply

Founder Danny said it worked wonders for the launch, with both the limited $49 and $89 lifetime pricing specials selling out quickly.

The same goes for limiting time. So consider adding a notice near the CTA button reminding the price is only discounted for the remainder of June.

Limited Time Supply

And lastly consider limiting physical quantities. Experiment by displaying a visible count of stock remaining.

Limited Stock Supply

The end.

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