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Pricing Tables
Landing Page lessons related to the pricing table or pricing options. When you are further with your optimization, kick off the Landing Page Pricing Checklist.

Consider parity pricing

Hot Tip #94 is to consider parity pricing.

Simply put, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) suggests a discounted price for people earning a weaker currency.

A $99 USD Laravel 101 Course to a developer working in Silicon Valley is the equivalent of a dinner for two. $99 USD to a developer working in Mumbai or Maputo is a completely different story.

With the rise of remote working, location-based parity pricing gets more tricky, but offering it — if you can — is the right thing to do.

Parity pricing reference

Not only will you increase revenue, but you’ll achieve what you set out to do — help more people and engage meaningfully with a bigger community.

  • PPP Discussion — Check out this ‘Purchasing Power Parity’ podcast episode with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski. Wes is a developer and teacher and offers parity pricing on all of his courses.
  • Parity Bar – Neat service to offer parity pricing coupons within your Landing Page header. It’s free for the first 10k views.
  • PPP API – A Purchasing Power Parity API built by Robin Wieruch to help integrate parity pricing into your Landing Pages.
  • Parity Pricing Landing Pages – A very young collection of Landing Pages I’ve kicked off featuring parity pricing.

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