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Landing Page lessons related to the lead forms.

Embed your lead forms

Hot Tip #16 is to embed your forms to try capture leads immediately.

🚫 [Click here to Sign Up]

✅ (Enter your email) + [Sign Up]

Lead capture example Lead capture example Lead capture example

Remember, with every page load your conversion rate drops, so try capture leads as soon as possible.

Minimize the options

Hot Tip #58 is to minimize the options.

Do you really need:

📊 5 different pricing plans?
📝 7 required fields in your enquiry form?
🎨 16 different product color choices?

The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.” – Hicks Law

  • Hicks Law – Beautifully illustrated representation on Laws of UX

Make it accessible

Hot Tip #69 is to make it accessible.

Providing people with health conditions or impairments, the ability to read and navigate your Landing Page easily is the right thing to do.

Here are five small tasks that can go a long way:

One hour tackling the above, could saves hundreds of frustrating hours for others.

The exercise will also strengthen your Landing Page by surfacing fundamental development issues.

  • Chrome Lighthouse – Instructions how to run an accessibility audit for your Landing Page in Google Chrome.
  • Contrast for Mac – Great tool I use to to ensure my text colors are within Accessibility standards.
  • Accessible Color Generator – Useful to find the nearest accessible-passing color based on your color inputs (that are failing).
  • Focusing on Focus Styles – Solid article by Eric Bailey covering :focus and :active CSS selectors.
  • 10 Screen Readers – A curated round-up by UsabilityGeek.
  • UserWay – A website accessibility solution for ADA & WCAG Compliance. Their widget sits in the corner of the browser where users can customize their browsing experience.

Focus on form UX

Hot Tip #87 is to focus on form UX.

The importance of good form usability is overlooked in Landing Pages. Fancy layouts with too many required fields will drop conversions.

✅ Arrange fields in one column
✅ Keep required fields to a minimum
✅ Position labels near the top-left of fields
✅ Tab in the correct order

Investing in a user-friendly form experience is worth every cent for your Landing Page.

  • Form UI/UX – Crazy Egg published a brilliant Form UI and UX visual guideline.

The end.

There are no more Hot Tips to load in this archive.