Test new narratives
Hot Tip #98 is to test new narratives for your offering.
This is probably the most advanced Hot Tip in the series, but one worth doing if you have the traffic and budget.
We hammer on about Landing Page copy resonating with a visitor’s specific — singular — problem. But what if your offering solves a few problems really well?
Primary narrative: Your time-tracking software is known for saving freelancers’ time by automating their tax returns. Your API was one of the first to integrate with top tax authorities.
So your Landing Page could read: Tired of filling out tax returns? Our software 100% automates the tax return process for you.
Secondary narrative: Your software sends friendly reminder emails to clients with late payments, resulting in more overall cash flow per month.
This Landing Page could read: Losing control of outstanding payments? Our software reminds your clients for you and increases freelancer cash flow by 20%.
Duplicate your primary page, tweak the copy with the secondary narrative, and edit the imagery to spotlight the ‘client reminder’ emails. Now, set up a new marketing channel to align with the second narrative (late payment) and send them to this new Landing Page.
- Repeat for a 3rd or 4th Landing Page
- Assess results
- Drop the Landing Page with the worst results
- Increase the budget for the top performers
The above exercise epitomizes the power of Landing Pages.