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Pricing Tables
Landing Page lessons related to the pricing table or pricing options. When you are further with your optimization, kick off the Landing Page Pricing Checklist.

Minimize the options

Hot Tip #58 is to minimize the options.

Do you really need:

πŸ“Š 5 different pricing plans?
πŸ“ 7 required fields in your enquiry form?
🎨 16 different product color choices?

The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.” – Hicks Law

  • Hicks Law – Beautifully illustrated representation on Laws of UX

Reassure during checkout

Hot Tip #72 is to reassure your visitors during the checkout process.

Nerves are high. Settle them with these small reminders, strategically positioned near the checkout form:

⭐️ The average customer star rating
🍏 A small stack of well-known client logos
πŸ’³ A payment-related FAQ
πŸ’¬ A short but comforting testimonial

Also, try to include anything that adds transparency to the experience. This can alleviate any lingering doubts the visitor may have.

Note how LearnUX reassures by showing you exactly how the payment will appear on your statement β€” including the renewal date differences between tiers:

LearnUX checkout

If checkout customization isn’t possible in your Landing Page, the above would still apply to the area around your pricing table or final CTA button.

Strategically position testimonials

Hot Tip #83 is to strategically position testimonials.

We’ve discussed curating testimonials to provide the most value to your Landing Page visitor. But where do we put them?

Start by positioning your best testimonial β€” preferably from an opinion leader in your industry β€” above the fold. This will strengthen your intro pitch and lower bounce rates. Now position other testimonials relevant to the Landing Page topic.

Example: If you are showcasing a specific product feature, try to position a testimonial mentioning that feature alongside it.

Note how the CleanShot X screen capture tool is talking about the ease of saving, copying, dragging, dropping, and then just below it a customer testimonial suggests the tool is like a Swiss Army knife:

Testimonial position reference

Finally, position a testimonial near checkout that mentions value for money or overall satisfaction.

Consider a lifetime discount

Hot Tip #88 is to consider a lifetime pricing option for your SaaS service.

If your running costs are very low and you have minimal support demands, consider a once-off pricing option for your subscription.

Lifetime Pricing Discount

Danny from Headlime said this pricing strategy significantly boosted short-term cash flow, which he immediately reinvested into his core offering.

The end.

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