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Landing Page lessons related to the navigation area or browsing experience.

Make it accessible

Hot Tip #69 is to make it accessible.

Providing people with health conditions or impairments, the ability to read and navigate your Landing Page easily is the right thing to do.

Here are five small tasks that can go a long way:

One hour tackling the above, could saves hundreds of frustrating hours for others.

The exercise will also strengthen your Landing Page by surfacing fundamental development issues.

  • Chrome Lighthouse – Instructions how to run an accessibility audit for your Landing Page in Google Chrome.
  • Contrast for Mac – Great tool I use to to ensure my text colors are within Accessibility standards.
  • Accessible Color Generator – Useful to find the nearest accessible-passing color based on your color inputs (that are failing).
  • Focusing on Focus Styles – Solid article by Eric Bailey covering :focus and :active CSS selectors.
  • 10 Screen Readers – A curated round-up by UsabilityGeek.
  • UserWay – A website accessibility solution for ADA & WCAG Compliance. Their widget sits in the corner of the browser where users can customize their browsing experience.

Implement smooth scroll

Hot Tip #77 is to implement smooth scroll in your long-scrolling Landing Page.

Clicking on a navigation pricing link and jumping to a Landing Page pricing section can feel like a fast page load to your visitor.

Implementing smooth scroll will gracefully transport them to the relevant section while reminding them about additional content. It can even prevent them from hitting the back button.

Smooth Scroll demo

To integrate smooth scroll, simply add this CSS code to your body class:

Smooth Scroll CSS Code

While native scroll-behavior has come a long way, Safari still needs to come to the party. I’m hoping it’s soon.

The end.

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